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Conference Papers

1. ‘Words of Oppression, Words of Power: The Fake News Narrative of Japan’s Low Birth Rate and Hyper Aged Society.’ Paper presented at the Japanese Studies Association of Australia Conference, September 29-October 1, 2021.

2. ‘Is Pronatalism an Anti-Globalization Movement,’ Sound-Byte Globalization Session, Wednesday April 7, 2pm, International Studies Association (ISA) Virtual Annual Conference 6-8 April 2021.

3. ‘The Political Economy of Large Populations and War, Pondering the Future of the US and China,’ WC22: Destabilizing Demographic Processes, April 7, 11 am, International Studies Association (ISA) Virtual Annual Conference, 6-8 April 2021.

4. “Will trade prevent war in the Asia Pacific?” International Studies Association Conference, Hong Kong June 15-18, 2016.

5. “Political and Security Implications of Population Aging in Japan,” Comparative Policy Responses to Demographic Change in East Asia: Defining a Research Agenda, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Centre, Stanford University, Session 2, 1-3pm, Friday, January 21, 2011.

6. “Low Fertility in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan: Economic and Strategic Implications,” Seminar Presentation and Discussion, at the East-West Centre, Washington D.C., December 3, 2010. Vimeo Available:

7. “Low Fertility in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan: Social Adaptation and Strategic Implications,” Roundtable Seminar, Henry L. Stimson Centre, Washington D.C., November 23, 2010.  

8. “Will China take a different path? Population Policy Options and obstacles,” in Beyond the One-Child Policy: Economic and Strategic Implications for Northeast Asia and the US, East-West Centre, Washington D.C., November 19, 2010.

9. “Population Policies and the End of Certainty: Characteristics of Below Replacement Fertility in Developed Countries”, 5th International Conference on Population Geographies, Dartmouth College, Geography Department, August 5-9, 2009.

10. “Before Low Fertility: The Quiet Revolution in Japanese Demography (1948-1973)” Kyoto University, 14th Historical Geography Conference, 23-27 August 2009.

11. “The Second Demographic Transition in Developed Countries: Is There a Conventional Wisdom?”, Spatial Challenges of Future Demographic Restructuring (International Geographical Union IGU) Conference, Mannheim University, August 8-9, 2008.

12. “Demographic and Environmental Transitions in Developed Countries and China”, The Six University Symposium: How Should the World Live with China, Ritsumeikan University, Biwako Kusatsu Campus, November 5-6, 2008.

13. “The Future of Japanese Society and the Vulnerabilities of Population Decline”, 4th International Conference on Population Geographies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 10, 2007.

14. Movements of freer trade in goods and services: open regionalism and the Asia Pacific”, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Asia Pacific Conference “Global Movements in the Asia Pacific”, November 2006.

15. “Dimensions of Energy Security in the Asia Pacific: Implications for Maritime Logistics”, 2008 International Conference on Shipping, Port and Logistics Management, Kainan University, Taiwan, 28-9 March 2008.

16. “Maritime Logistics and the World Trading System”, 2007 International Conference on Logistics, Shipping and Port Management: Emerging Asia: Challenges and Opportunities, Kainan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, March 29, 2007.

17. “Technology, Public Policy and the Problem of Green Shipping”, invited seminar presentation to the January meeting of the Kansai Branch of Japan Logistics and Shipping Economics Association, Kobe University, January 9, 2009.

18. “Negotiating Free Trade Agreements in the Asia Pacific: Undermining the WTO or further steps towards an Asia-Pacific Economic Community?” Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University, May 29, 2001, Multilateral Trading System and Japan Seminar Series.

19. “The Origins, Development and Importance of the Multilateral Trading System,” Graduate School of International Cultural Studies, Tohoku University, February 26, 2001, 2-4pm, The Multilateral Trading System and Japan Seminar Series.

20. “The Political Economy of Open Regionalism: Possible Dynamics of Increasing Liberalization in the Asia Pacific, peer pressure and concerted unilateralism,” Australia-Japan Research Centre, 27 October 1997.

21. “The Political Economy of Open Regionalism: possible dynamics of increasing liberalization in the Asia Pacific,” The Australia-Japan Research Centre, Seminar, 9 September 1996.

Published Papers 

1. “Keeping Up Appearances: Australia’s ‘Dance with Asia’ and Implications for the Alliance,” PacNet 55, Centre for Strategic International Studies, September 22, 2011.

2. “Are slogans enough to succeed in ‘baby race’?” Taipei Times, December 13, 2010.

3. “The End of Population Policy in East Asia: Will China Be Different?” Korea Review of International Studies Vol. 12: No. 1: 3-17, March 2009.

4. “Before Low Fertility: The quiet revolution in Japanese demography (1948-1973)”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Historical Geography, Kyoto, 2009, Kyoto University Press, pp. 128-9.

5. “International Shipping in a Green Age: Some Problems with the Kyoto Protocol and IMO”, Japan Society of Logistics and Shipping Economics, 2009.

6. “The Second Demographic Transition: Is there a Conventional Wisdom?” Zeitschrift fur Bevolkerungswissenschaft 33: 3-4: 247-270, 2008.

7. "Energy Security' in an Age of Anxiety: Challenges and Opportunities for the Asia Pacific" 立命館国際研究, 立命館大学国際関係学会, 21(2) 105-119, 2008.

8. “Maritime Logistics and the World Trading System,” 立命館国際研究, 立命館大学国際関係学会, 20(3) 225-242, 2008.

9. “Persuading Powers: Australia's Multilateral Trade Policy (1983-1995),”

Ritsumeikan Annual Review of International Studies, 7 85-103, 2008

10. “Japan, Mongolia and the Potential of Ecotourism,” 立命館国際研究, 立命館大学国際関係学会, 21(1) 39-55, 2008. 

11. “Japan, Economic Partnership Agreements and the Asia Pacific: Accomplishments, Limitations and Possibilities”, Social System Studies, The Institute of Social Systems, Ritsumeikan University, 16, 1-21 (March 2008).

12. “The WTO, Border Security and National Prosperity”, Social System Studies, 15, 41-61, The Institute of Social Systems, Ritsumeikan University (September 2007).

13. “The American Trade System” Social System Studies, The Institute of Social Systems, Ritsumeikan University, 14, 25-43 (March 2007).

14. “Democratic Governance in Developing Countries: Towards a Democratic and Prosperous East Asia”, Ritsumeikan International Affairs, 6, 77-97 (March 2008).

15. “The Future of Asia Pacific Regionalism and APEC: Towards 2030 and Beyond”, Ritsumeikan Annual Review of International Studies, 6, 45-63 (December 2007).

16. “Open Regionalism and the Asia Pacific: Implications for the Rise of an East Asian Economic Community”, Ritsumeikan International Affairs, 5, 133-152 (March 2007).

17. Free Trade in Goods and Services: Open Regionalism and the Asia Pacific 立命館国際研究, 立命館大学国際関係学会, 20(2) 101-112, 2007.

18. “Globalization and Ecotourism: How should Mongolia utilize its Sightseeing and Environmental Resources?” WTO Research Centre, Tokyo, February 2008; published as “Japan, Mongolia and the Potential for Ecotourism” The Ritsumeikan Journal of International Studies, 21/1, 39-55 (2008).

19. “The World Trade Organization, Economic Development and Prosperity” 立命館国際研究, 立命館大学国際関係学会, 19(3), 2007.

20. “The WTO, Economic Development and Prosperity”, Ritsumeikan Journal of International Affairs 19-3, 281-293 (March 2007).

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